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wind buffeting cured

for you guys with the buffeting problems caused by the shield, go for a ride and at 55-60mph put your left arm across your chest like a salute and see if that fixes the helmet buffet and watery/jiggly eyes and trying to lift the helmet. if so, go to Jack Halterman's Leather AeroVest, windshielding accessories for bikers, motorcycle riders and watch the video, problem solved and pretty inexpensive too

Darn nice quality too and they work well from first hand experience.
Thanks glider; The arm-across-the-chest trick really helps you to figure out which direction to go with the buffeting problem. If the arm test helps, the problem is not going to be the height of the windshield, but instead, the wind is coming under the shield, around and upfrom the tank area and hitting your face from below which makes all the jiggles and helmet shake and mustache up the nose.
I have forward controls and long shins for the wind to push wind up to my chest. If I ride with my windshield on and a half shell helmet, it feels like I've got an air hose blowing up each nostril and my head is in a bingo ball tumbler. I don't like vests. I need another solution.
I have forward controls and long shins for the wind to push wind up to my chest. If I ride with my windshield on and a half shell helmet, it feels like I've got an air hose blowing up each nostril and my head is in a bingo ball tumbler. I don't like vests. I need another solution.

Me too... help! :17:
I have forward controls and long shins for the wind to push wind up to my chest. If I ride with my windshield on and a half shell helmet, it feels like I've got an air hose blowing up each nostril and my head is in a bingo ball tumbler. I don't like vests. I need another solution.

Me too... help! :17:

Check out the HD Chrome Air Deflector, mounts just below steerer tube and Eleft36 's Memphis Shades' Clear Plexiglas air deflectors that mount on each fork tube in the pix in Post #3 below...
Are there any kind of air deflectors that can be attached to the front forks of a Road Glide?
newbe ,just jioned,and illiterate to commputers,wondering wether i can get some sound advice on a shield for my 09 fatbob which i pick up in mid july, im just over 6ft. any help would be much appreciated
Have a detachable on my on fatbob. Works pretty well but wish it were a little taller. I'm 6' and if I sit straight up i'm looking 1 - 2" over it. Love being able to remove it to cruise the blvd though because it looks much better without it but wouldn't consider going out of town with it off.