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Wind buffeting

I added the black wind deflectors at the link below along with the half moon deflector that Bodeen mentioned. Cuts the buffeting dramatically. Very happy with the result. The black deflectors almost disappear when installed on a black bike. Attached some photos...

Sorry not enough posts to add a link or photos.

Defectors are from

Wa-hoooo 5 posts...

LINK ----- Wind Deflectors

and photos attached
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I added the black wind deflectors at the link below along with the half moon deflector that Bodeen mentioned. Cuts the buffeting dramatically. Very happy with the result. The black deflectors almost disappear when installed on a black bike. Attached some photos...

Sorry not enough posts to add a link or photos.

Defectors are from

Wa-hoooo 5 posts...

LINK ----- Wind Deflectors

and photos attached

Thanks Stew!

These will work with the hard lowers.
When rolling down the road, you are actually creating a sort of vacuum (low pressure area) behind the windshield. If you can find a product that breaks this vacuum, without directing the air up from below, or whistling, you will be good to go. I simply braid my beard before riding. I'm basically lazy, and have gotten pretty good at doing it without a mirror.

BTW. This is the source for much of the turbulence in the hat/helmet area, also. What you are experiencing is one or more vortices, traceable to the edges of the effective wing, formed by the fairing and/or windshield. The best you can hope to do is move, or distribute, the vortices differently, as is done by a variety of baffles/deflectors and windshield curve profiles. Smoke lines in a wind tunnel will reveal that you actually have a dominant vortex spinning horizontally, right in front of your face. You are actually seeing the same air more than once. Break that and you are good. How to break it is a nice trick, without the wind tunnel. Don't try it while riding.

Just my 2 cents, but it might help in looking in effective directions.

Good luck,
Rich P

OH MY GOD......a motorcycle geek!!! :worthy :D
Thanks for that link Stew.
Post #10 from Ribeye is good information. I have a small keyboard duster (mini California duster) that I took it with me for a ride on the Electra Glide. It's amazing how many different directions the little strands blow when moved around the cockpit. There are definitely vortex's and vacuums at work.