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The sooner VISTA is in the rear view mirror the better. Should have been named J.U.N.K. IMO! I think it was an abortion, which has become an obvious observation based on all world reviews. Our company will not allow it on any of our PC's. Good riddance.
I liked Vista so much, I bought a mac. :D I figured if I had to relearn how to use a computer, I would and I would try one that is supposed to work. Best move I ever made. :s I still have a netbook and my larger laptop, with the netbook and the mac getting the most use, I only use the toshiba when I have to. My husband got a later version of Vista and it did seem to work better, but I still wouldn't recommend it. I may try 7 out on the other laptop, rather than buying a new pc.

Honestly, the hardest thing to get used to on the mac was the min/max/close button being in the left corner rather than the right. Otherwise, the stuff just works.

BTW, office 2007 for mac is much more user friendly than the version for a windows based pc. How does that happen?
I've used Vista on a laptop without any problems but for ease of use I still prefer XP. I probably will take a look at 7 to see if works as well as xp or not but it will have to be quite a bit better for me to change.