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Windshield Yes or No

Irish Hog - If you had asked the question 8 months ago I would have said Windshield Yes...always, riding metrics for 28 years years does that, from the very first Windjammer full to Rifle handlebar type fairings, been behind them all.

Funny thing happened when I rode the Sporty with my face in the wind...the whole Harley experience, got me all nostalgic on stuff about how much I liked motorcycling with all its' rough edges and bare knuckles approach. :small3d002:

LittleEarl - I also had the flip side, in November, following a truck kicking out gravel, but rather than lose the wind "rush", I put on a 3 snap flip up face shield, providing protection, without the windshield bulk and "encumbering" feeling. :s

Net result: Windshield No Harley looks right and to this rider it feels right, Slammer bars lean me into the wind so I do not feel like I'm fighting her, and that is after a 500 mile ride. Maybe longer rides I might consider, but for $389 for the HD windscreen...I'll save my money for performance mods. Uh-oh this long diatribe is looking like a RichardS post...gotta go! :bigsmiley11:

Do you use a windshield some of the time, all the time, or would never think of it.

I prefer not to use a shield.

Have been hit by flys going 75 and the felt like rocks. :D Ever since I never ride without my windshield.
This is the first bike I have ever had with a windshield and fairing and I can't believe the difference in comfort on a long trip and lack of sore muscles,so for me windshield? YES:)
Once you get used to it, it,s hard riding without. Especialy at highway speeds. Does look alot nicer without though. Depends on the bike.
I like having my windshield on. I've taken it off a few times to try it out, but always put it back on. I have a friend who won't put one on as he says he gets better gas mileage without a windshield. I haven't put that theory to the test yet.
Got a detachable shield and rarely ride without it. Like the comfort and having the Florida bugs hit something besides me. I thinks most bikes look better without the shield, but comfort out weighs the coolness factor for me.
I bought the HD compact windshield for my 09 Low Rider in Abilene Texas and rode it home to San Angelo (about 90 miles). My wife was on the back and when we stopped at a rest stop we both looked at each other. I told her I didn't like it...she seemed relieved and said she didn't like it was tossing her around on the back and she was holding on for dear life. For me it made the bike handle very different and I didn't like that. Maybe it was because I am short and the shield was too tall although when it was first installed I was looking over the top of it...during the ride home I was looking through it and I didn't like that...seemed to restrict my vision. Took it back and traded it in on a SE Stage I breather...never had a shield on any previous bikes so I guess I am just a no windshield kind of guy. Man what a long post....sheeesh..
I spent the first 4-5 months riding 40 miles each way to work from 40-80 MPH without a windshield. I came to really enjoy the ride, till it started getting cold, that is when I got into work, got online and ordered the shield. Took it off then only for storage and went out once without it for a short ride to the gas I forgot how good that felt, cold but good.

Bottomline...most of the days I'll keep the shield on, but every once and while for now on I'll remove it especially during those hot summer months.
I never ride with a windshield. I have a sticker on my helment that says " windshield are for cars". I ride 75 miles one way to work and ride year round unless it is below 32 degrees. I'm not knocking windshield but they are just not for me. My dad has one on his fatboy and loves it. I have rode his bike and just don't like the windshield feel.
For some reason, I always disliked the windshields... until my first ride with a group up the interstate in 40 degree temps. Actually stopped at a dealership (on the ride) and grabbed a quick release standard height windscreen.

I see it more like a convertable top personally. If I am doing backroads and it is warm and sunny, the windshield stays home. But if it is cooler or we are doing any length on the interstates, I'll take the windscreen. At rallies, I will leave it in the room for "around town" stuff.

Now... if they would only make shoulder straps for the thing, we could parasail when it isn't in use :)