Hey Gang,
Here in Eastern Canada we get a lot of temperatures that hover around freezing. Add to that, some good old east coast moisture and we have a recipe for condensation. Lovely!
So, I've got a water-tight shed with lots of ventilation and enough room for the bike. And a snow blower. That goes in the shed snowy. Ah - I see you're getting my jist.
So here's my idea. I'm thinking it's a bit original, but it's really just a combination of ideas I've encountered. I'm going to make a trip to the hardware store and pick up about 10 feet of Tyvek and make myself a rough-and-ready cover. Then I'm going to put a 100 watt light bulb under the bike, turn it on, and toss the cover over it. If possible, I'll make the cover tight to the shed floor (50 year-old concrete - dry). I'm thinking the bulb will prevent the frost from forming and create some sort of warm-air circuit under the cover. The Tyvek will allow moisture to exit while keeping it all reasonably air-tight.
Anybody tried this? How does it sound?
By the way, I won't be shocked it this isn't an original thought. It's original to me tho!
'02 Wide Glide (ole' Thumper).
Here in Eastern Canada we get a lot of temperatures that hover around freezing. Add to that, some good old east coast moisture and we have a recipe for condensation. Lovely!
So, I've got a water-tight shed with lots of ventilation and enough room for the bike. And a snow blower. That goes in the shed snowy. Ah - I see you're getting my jist.
So here's my idea. I'm thinking it's a bit original, but it's really just a combination of ideas I've encountered. I'm going to make a trip to the hardware store and pick up about 10 feet of Tyvek and make myself a rough-and-ready cover. Then I'm going to put a 100 watt light bulb under the bike, turn it on, and toss the cover over it. If possible, I'll make the cover tight to the shed floor (50 year-old concrete - dry). I'm thinking the bulb will prevent the frost from forming and create some sort of warm-air circuit under the cover. The Tyvek will allow moisture to exit while keeping it all reasonably air-tight.
Anybody tried this? How does it sound?
By the way, I won't be shocked it this isn't an original thought. It's original to me tho!
'02 Wide Glide (ole' Thumper).