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Winter Storm

We got about 4" overnight and it's raining now with expectations of freezing overnight, should be interesting to say the least.
I just spent the afternoon digging out the driveway and my CAR! Had 1.5 inches of snow base, then a lovely 1" ice sheet, topped off with 4" of more SNOW. I had to chip the ice off around one door to even get in to start her up. MAN, I am TIRED. 'Course, when the plow went by nailed another layer of ice and nastiness to the bottom of the driveway.

Couple of inches here followed by some freezing rain in central NJ, Not really to bad, just have to be carefull
Yesterday We had about a inch or two in the morning and afternoon and then stopped. It started to snow again around 8pm and was snowing good, I think around 10pm there was about 3 or 4 inches. Woke up today it was raining and the high temp at one point was 52 :small3d012:..

We need proof pictures just another day looking down at old farm house

Holy Cow Smitty. I fully understand why you get the scooter out when there is a couple inches on the ground. No way would I ever live in the north again after looking at that pic.:newsmile100:
In Massachusetts we had 4 inches of snow followed by sleet then freezing rain. This may well end my streak. I have ridden my Ultra at least once a month every month I've had it but I don't think that's going to happen this month. It's not the cold, the roads here have not been clear of snow and/or salt for the entire month. Maybe Saturday if everything is clear I'll take it for a quick spin down the block but that could be the worst thing I could do, don't know when I will get on it again.
When the snow did stop around 10am yesterday we got about 10''- 12'' total. It is lite and fluffy snow so it wasnt to hard to clear the drive.

We need proof pictures just another day looking down at old farm house
Every blue moon a 1 or 2 foot snow fall may hit South Jersey, but the good thing is that it is gone in about two days. I wanna say that about ten or more years ago the tri state area got a two or three foot storm that crippled the area, and about 5 years ago we got a 18" to 20" storm that shut some things down for a couple of days but as far as that, you have to go wayyyyy back to the blizzard of 78..
It was Jan '96. I lived in Atco at the time. Shut down the state for a few days.
I remember the storm only because my friends were in the Philly area and they were partying. I was freshly married with a newborn sitting at home in the Jersey shore :newsmile038:. I wanted to be up in Philly so bad that night, My friends keep calling from time to time and then they decided they were going out to go hit some of the corner bars, they all were having a blast, I was so jealous. Funny thing is that most of those guys are still doing the same and have nothing. Looking back now, I am glad I was home with my family..