Senior Member
You can spin it any way you wish but you know as well as I know that HD doesn't publish the specs on their filters which isn't conclusive info in either direction.
Here's something to ponder over...
You and I go into a dealership with cash in our pockets and both buy the exact same bike in the same color (stupid, I know) and you put on a Wix filter before leaving the dealership and I'm happy with the HD filter on my bike because I know that it was specked for the engine in my bike. We both leave the dealership together and after riding one block your motor seizes or develops a knock. (Hypothetical I know). We both return to the dealer and they check your bike over and find that your problem was from an oil associated failure. Remember there are both brand new bikes. The dealer tells you, "hey buddy, sorry but you have a Wix filter on your bike so we aren't going to cover your repairs, but your friend here still has the HD filter on his, he must be a much wiser person".
Do you still advocate Wix filters after that?
In the world of make believe, some things just stand out over others but you feel free to use SYN 3 oil and Wix filters and I'll stick with the tried and true myself so if a problem does arise, I have room to negotiate with the MOCO if their products are used and damage occurs.
Oil Filter Comparisons - Harley Davidson Community
Oh come on.. My bikes never seize. If both of our bikes seized and it was found to be an oiling failure, you could bet that they'd blame mine in the filter and yours would be tagged as failure to use their spec'd oil.:newsmile100:..
BTW, your scenario is why I use the HD filters and because I can find no documented ratings or comparisons between the HD filters and others.
Nice read on filter comparisons, BUT you'll notice HD's filters are conspicuously absent.
We can find info on oil comparisons but it is lacking when it comes to the filters. The Amsoil White Papers were the confirmation I was looking for to keep using M1 V-Twin oil.