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Would you sell your bike if ???

Nope ..hey I started so late in life (58)and am 63 now on a 2004 Road King...right now I have slip-ons...stage kit...PC2..and the 96 upgrade...did it mainly to pull a trailer..coz when we ( the wife and I ) decided this is what we wanted to do ..we were gonna see this country, and as much of it as we possible on the bike. Its been one of the best decision we ever made. Been to the east, and west coast...turned 50,000 plus as of our last trip to the 105th and on into Canada. I'll tell you something else...its keeping us young...refuse to set home and worry about what my grass looks like..yeah our kids think we're crazy...there just jealous!'ll do what it takes to keep riding....Don't get me wrong...I love the sound...and when I twist the throttle its not gonna be in someone else's face nor in a community thats is requesting we tune it down a bit..I've seen what its done to some of the communities around here. My primary reason for riding Coz we love it plain and simple. So my answer is I'll never sell my

That's awesome.... I am in my late 50's also. My first Harley was in 1996, rode with my oldest son and friends on Saturdays. One Saturday there were ten of us riding and I was behind my son, he was riding a new B.M.W. all the rest of us Harleys. A dog ran out of the woods right in front of my son who could not stop and cut the dog completely in half. He started to flip end over end and hit the payment and slid a long way down the road. Luckily it was in cool weather and had on the proper clothes. I thought I was seeing my son getting killed right in front of me. Called my wife from the hospital and she and my daughter-in-law along with my younger son rushed to meet us. Both my wife and his wife looked at both of us with a finger in our faces and declared our riding motorcycles were OVER!! My son's bike was a total lost and he did not have 1500 miles on it. Other than being really sore he did not break anything... A MIRCLE. He restores old B.M.W. bikes as a hobby and always has something around to ride around town. He slowly worked his way back to riding and recently his wife let him buy a new Vespa. I kept my 1996 until 2 years ago and purchased a new 2007 FatBoy and my wife eventually rode on the back. She got the bug and now has her own Softail Deluxe and has 15,000 miles on it in just 18 months. She is on me all the time saying... "Let's ride someplace". Quite a difference since 1996. It is true... " If I have to explain you would not understand". It is a pleasure having your mate enjoy the same hobbies... we golf together and ride HOGS together and I would not have it any other way! If I called her right now and said.. let's ride across country, she would be packed and ready when I got home. LIFE IS GOOD.
I love my V&H pipes on my bike and would raise all kind of &@!! if I had to take them off, bit I would take them off and keep riding.
Guys don't get me wrong, I am not one to go around making noise pollution, I am very respectful of my neighbors and community, I live on a nice quiet street and I try to get out of the neighborhood as quietly as I can. My bike is not that loud, but just the right sound, I do have the QB's in. Like I said I was just starting another thread off a another thread about exhaust noise. I would never sell my bike, I said I might be tempted to, but I never would, I just could not imagine putting the stock pipes back on, I could not wait to get them off.

As I have said in another post I ride to clear my head and get out of the house and let some stress go, I do not ride for sound, I ride for myself. But IMO "one" of the things that seperates a Harely from any metric is that Harley sound, to me that is what makes a Harley a Harley..
I'm with most of the rest of the population on this issue.

I HATE loud pipes:you know the ones.You hear them coming from a block away and have to stop talking when they crackle past.Governments and Police LOVE loud pipes.Gives them the excuse to crack down on bikers with the citizens' blessing. If you think otherwise,you've got rocks in your head,mate.

To all these idiots that love to hear themselves coming(at least until the onset of deafness)i say shut the hell up.

Motorcycling is under attack from more sides than ever these days and WE are giving others reasons to erase our sport.If you think otherwise,well,you've got rocks in your head mate.

I love bikes,but detest straight through pipes et al; and i'm on our side.Just consider what OTHERS think------

I second biscuit though I love noisy exhaust. I have standard pipes on my Sporty and she sounds great.
I think it's a different kettle of fish if your pipes improve your performance.