This is just something I do if a sharp curve takes me by surprise. I close the throttle and shift my weight off center to the inside of the curve, similar to what the motorcycle racers do. In that way the bike doesn't have to be leaned over so far. Of course, if there are leaves, loose dirt, gravel, etc., no matter what you do would still result in a slide-out. That's another reason why I avoid riding at night on a strange road. You don't know what's out there to catch you by surprise. If your bike starts going down, be sure to raise your leg on the side that the bike is falling to so you don't crush your leg. I once I hit a deer in the darkness while driving my pickup truck. I sure wouldn't want to hit a deer at night with my Harley! I wonder if those "deer whistles" actually work? I had two of those on the pickup truck.