Jack Klarich
A lot of talk about GL4, GL5....
The GL 4, a rating for use in trannys and the added stuff to make GL5 is so it qualifies to be used in axels and special rear-ends.. Just so the same Gear Lube can be used...
So the trannys will be fine using a GL4..
So says Bubbie as I read that in all My defensive papers on Redline..
The Thing I want to POINT Out (regardless of Oils I Use) is IF a sulfur based tranny lube GL5 is used , MIGHT this be why a few of you guys are seeing YELLOW Metal at drain time????
GEAR OIL GL4 or GL5 - Toyota Tundra
GL-5 gear oils are for gears like our differentials where the pinion is below the centerline of the ring gear. You can look at the outside of the differential housing on the front side and see that. There is much sliding on the gear teeth, and the oil has to be blended for that. These are called hypoid gears. A gearbox without hypoid gears, like a transmission, does not need this particular additive package in the oil. GL-4 gear oil works well. Some GL-5 oils used a sulfur based additive to make them GL-5, and the sulfur would damage yellow metals...brass, bronze, & copper...in the transmission. Many modern GL-5 gear oils do not have the sulfur in them and are labeled for both GL-4 and GL-5 applications.
Here is another Good Thread here on HDT that covered the Yellow Metal problems using GL 4 GL 5 with sulphur and other wear additives in it..
It has our Members discussing the pro's and con's... Take a look... YOU might even be in this thread on HDT.
Is GL-5 bad for our transmission - Harley Davidson Community
Good call here Bubbie, Sulfur is suppose to be a bad thing according to the EPA, HMMM maybe why oil has been reformulated too. The gear oil I am testing in my bike is 75-145 Run Rite GL-5 synthetic, if it is good enough for Mack trucks it is good enough for me, so far no clunks:s