free website stats program Yahoooo I made it to 150 | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums

Yahoooo I made it to 150

21,000 :lolrolling

Here I was swelling up with pride and you with your 21000 post goal and now I feel sooooo small. :newsmile08:

I do appreciate you, your knowledge and what you contribute to making this a very welcoming place. Thanks!!
Reading the title I thought you were talking about 150 Mph reached!
I just posted in a thread about speed limits so I was biased...:p

Well, congratulations anyway.


:laugh I was actually thinking years old....

Congrats!! :p
I thought you were talking rider's weight limit on a bagger! Yeah right...(that would only with a beer belly exemption - in my case)
If you visit different read alot, but I'm pretty reserved about giving "off the cuff" advice just to up my post count. Why is 150 posts significant?

If you visit different read alot, but I'm pretty reserved about giving "off the cuff" advice just to up my post count. Why is 150 posts significant?


At 150 and 6 mths you are permitted to download manuals. I really think It depends what kinda mood Glider is in. :small3d028: