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Yikes, egos and motorcycling.

I'll be honest here, if I still weighed 175, like I did in 1976, I'd have a Sportster. To me they are just about the best looking sport bike out there. Somewhere I would find a real peanut tank for it, chrome stuff and chrome 5 spoke wheels.
And just grin everytime I rode it. And those that teased...would be watching me "ahead" of them. :D
I'll be honest here, if I still weighed 175, like I did in 1976, I'd have a Sportster.

Yes, I lost 70 pounds by the Weider Muscle Confusion Technique, and I've kept it off just short of two years. However, I didn't do it just to ride a Sportster, that was just a bonus. I've always like the Sportster, myself.

Today was that kind of a day. The weather is great here. I just came home to feed the mutts, check e-mail and I'm back out. Tonight's the Packers/Saints game and I want all of my chores completed. I could have taken Betty to a long cruise, but it was just as good to make a bunch of loops around home running those errands.

That's the hard part of owning two Harley's--the guilt, the guilt, the crushing guilt of having to leave the other one at home...:p
Be sure to cover the other one. Then its not so bad.

LOL. Oh, I do! In fact, I just got a deal on a new real-deal Harley Dyna cover for Betty. My first one, I've been using old sheets. Seems like yesterday I drove her home from her spring storage at the shop. I must admit, I didn't drive her as much as I would have liked.

There ain't much dust on little Spinner, however! :p

Well this is an interesting thread. I stumbled onto this while searching the TV channels like a begger for crumbs. Yea Tourist I know you don't watch TV and you (and Smitty901) are better off for it.

Inflated egos are always interesting (for lack of a more precise definition). Many times they are motivated by insecure causes that might surprise some. Others are in fact just plain hedonistic at the expense of others which really is the most cowardly and disrespectful of all characters.

When I run into these types (especially at my age) I am always somewhere between amused and wanting to inform them that they have confused me with someone who might care, what they think about the weight of my bike, or the miles I ride or anything that attempts set hurdles for me to seemingly leap over in order to allievate myself from their insults.

Most cowards will seek easier prey given one faceoff. But they can be amusing I'll give um that.