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08 nighster starting issues...

the starter drive is shot,replace it.While you have it apart have the starter motor itself checked to make sure it isn't drawing too much amperage
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I can pick up the stronger starter for only $139 right now... I should just do that if the battery is O.K... Just pop the new one on and call it a day :)

voltage from the battery is 12.3 and at the starter 11.9. WHen I press the "start" button the voltage drops to under 1... does it just sound like the battery? What brand is the factory battery. This has some cheap looking "made in china" Power Source brand.

New battery did nothing... :(

Go back and read ALL of Post #4 in this thread before you commit to spending $139 on a new starter. A new battery is only as good as all the connections and grounds.
Still sounds like the starter clutch to me. Not that expensive and the change out only takes less than an hour! Just don't drop any of those little bearings! Still, $139 sounds like a pretty good deal for the works! $0.02.

All the connections seem O.K., I think I will order that starter... We'll see how it goes...The bike will have to stay in the garage for a week or so :(
Since I have to empty the crank case and everything I am just going to combine the 5k service with the starter replacement. I was going to do it myself, but the garage said it's just an extra 30 min of labor to put the starter on... I can't pass up a special for RedLine products, filter, all 5k service stuff for under $200 including putting the starter on and programing my PowerCommander...