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08 Night Train Exhaust leak after drop ?? Video attached

yea your going to have to remove it and then reinstall it and beleave me its allot easyer to do this job at hand with TWO people lol
I decided to call it quits for today. I removed the exhaust where the noise was coming from to inspect the gasket and bolts and the bolts seemed to be fine. I then installed a new gasket and put everything back together. I started the bike up and was disappointed the noise was still there. Further more I left it idling a bit and gave it a few revs. The next thing I know I was covered in oil from head to toe, including bikes, tools, walls, floor. what a mess!!!!!!!! Apparently my friend added too much oil and the cap went flying and so did the oil. Ive been cleaning up for the past 3-4 hours. And gonna have to paint two walls.

Sorry to get off topic, but I am now concerned as to why the noise didnt go away and if the oil was just because he put too much oil. Now I seem to have two different problems!!!!!!


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How about any damage to the pipe itself and are you sure you got the right gasket and installed it correctly, torques the bolts properly?
glider in his first pic,it looks like a little chip is out of the top of the port, from the pic it appears to me to be a little insert at the lip that protrudes from the port a bit, is it?? I don't recall seeing anything like that on my Evo and haven't touched the TC., or is the pic taken with the gasket in??
It does look like a chip but it's hard to tell for sure with a picture.It looks like it could be part of the gasket too.

If it's reassembled, I would try squirting a small bit of oil into the front cylinder and start it up watching for the area that the smoke comes out of. It would give you a better idea of where it is leaking from if that isn't a chip.

Give a look to the mating surface too, it should show signs of carbon or leakage (stain) where the noise is coming from.
First pic does have the old gasket still in it. let me see if I have a better pic without it.

As a quick question, when you installed the new crush gasket in the cylinder head exhaust port, you did make sure it was fully seated in the recess BEFORE mounting the pipe, right? I usually use a popsicle stick to "walk" around the perimeter of the gasket to make sure it is fully seated. Also, as Glider suggested above, if you have to pull the pipe off again, inspect it carefully for damage (like cracks). This usually occures at welded joints like the profile at the head end of the pipe.

I made sure it was sitting as far back as it could go. I'm going to take it apart again today. I ran my finger around the rim and didn't feel any cracks or nicks. I will double check today just to make sure I didn't overlook something.
Sometimes it helps to run a piece of emory cloth around the mating surfaces to remove any imperfections before reassembly.This helps the gasket to seal to two true surfaces