" I also wanted to write to address your phantom engine lights. I have messed around with EFI and lot and just wanted to pass along a couple things. I don't know the specifics of your problem but if you are getting these intermittent check engine lights, especially when the bike gets up to temp, you may want to pull on all your wires going from frame to engine with a hooked pick. It is getting more common as these bikes get older for the copper wire inside the insulation to break from the vibration. The wire looks fine from the outside but the copper is broken. When the bike is cold, the insulation holds the wire together. When the bike heats up, the insulation stretches and then you get an intermittent. If you have one of these wires, when you pull on it it will stretch and you can easily find the break in the wire. Areas of specific interest are the throttle body and especially the engine temp sensor. Anyway, my two cents. Thanks again!"
- hd_mechanic
I got this message from a friend in NC. I think I am going to check the wiring next.