Today I completed the 1000 mile service on my 2010 FLHTK.
I did purchase the service manual, which is excellent. I was fortunate to buy a used lift jack from a friend for $50.
I took my time and did this work over several days. Finally today I bought the grease for the Steering Head Bearings. Put the bike on the lift and injected over 80 pumps of grease into the zyrk (spelling?) fitting before it started coming out the bottom end. This shocked me, as when I had a Bobcat, I greased it all the time. I hardly ever put more than 20 pumps into a fitting without grease coming out the other end. This Steering Head must have been empty, and it holds a heck of a lot of grease. Anyone have any input on this?
I also bought the drive belt deflection testing tool. I think it was about $25 in Vegas. My local dealer didn't know what one was. The service manual specificaly says not to trust your fingertips. Belt tension was fine. I think that if I do find something like this is out of spec, I will then pay the dealer to make the adjustment. But why pay them shop rate to look at it?
I kept all reciepts on file for tools, oils, filters, and grease purchased at HD. I also made a spreadsheet with the tasks listed and checked off. I don't have a number off the top of my head, but it was a lot less than the $500 (yes, five HUNDRED dollars) my local dealer quoted me for this service.
I also bonded well with my bike and now know what all those filler holes are for!
Thank you for your support and encouragement.