Jack Klarich
Too much oil will also cause the Air filter to drip hot oil does expand:s
Glazier - I have a 2001 Heritage and it came (used) with the aftermarket dipstick with thermometer. with my bike on jiffystand - I read NOTHING on that dipstick - I lean it upright, and it shows about right. Perhaps I am low on engine oil ;-( The dipstick, like yours, says to check on jiffy stand but my manual says to check upright. I like the idea of checking on the jiffy stand so maybe I need to add oil??? when I change oil - I put in the proper amount per the manual.
How do you keep to oil from running out of the filter if you put a few oz. in . When on the lift the bike is horizontal , or do you drop it down and have it on the jiffy stand before putting the filter on ?
By horizontal I mean when putting the filter back on , as to being tilted towards me when on the jiffy stand . LOL yes the bike is vertical .
I took 14 oz.'s out , rode it, and it's STILL over. I quit, I'll check it after tomorrows ride.
BubsterIf a motor is Holding oil in the crank area,,, SUMPING and not Pumping back out MIGHT cause a similar Problem....