Junior Member
Well, I took 14 oz.'s out , rode it, and it's STILL over. I quit, I'll check it after tomorrows ride.
A simple solution would be to drain all the oil out of the motor into a clean drain pan. Leave the filter on if it's new. Pour the new oil back into the quart containers and then pour two quarts into the oil tank. You'll still have oil in the filter and some left in the motor, so start with two quarts. Ride it a little and re-check. Add as needed. Rinse and repeat. When the level is just right, I'd check it several times for the first week or two just to make sure it's holding steady at the proper level. That's the way I'd do it if it were mine. Good luck.
Glazier - I have a 2001 Heritage and it came (used) with the aftermarket dipstick with thermometer. with my bike on jiffystand - I read NOTHING on that dipstick - I lean it upright, and it shows about right. Perhaps I am low on engine oil ;-( The dipstick, like yours, says to check on jiffy stand but my manual says to check upright. I like the idea of checking on the jiffy stand so maybe I need to add oil??? when I change oil - I put in the proper amount per the manual.
You know Bill, I was thinking that maybe since you bought your bike used and it already had the aftermarket dipstick, it's possible its not the right dipstick for your bike and thats why you're not getting any oil showing on it. If you've added what the manual says (3 1/2 qts.) then it should be over full slightly and would definitely show up on the dipstick. Also, new oil on the chrome dipstick is hard to see sometimes. Clean oil against a chrome background makes it look like there's nothing there when there really is. I recently bought an aftermarket chrome tranny dipstick and changed the fluid to Amsoil, which is very clear. I can't see any on the dipstick, but if I run my finger over it, it shows up on my finger. I'm getting ready to change over to Spectro so I can see it better. And FYI, when my bike is at the proper level and on the jiffy stand, I can look into the oil tank and the oil level is about 3/4 of the way full in the tank. Sometimes thats more scientific than the dipstick.
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