I have not ridin a bike with ABS but I've had a bad exprience with it on a car. A car locked up in front of me doing about 40 . when I locked up the ABS did its job and kept releasing the breaks, the problem came when I was about 2 foot from the car in front of me and all but completely stopped,The breaks released and I bumped the car, not enough to do any damage but I felt like an idiot. You are at the mercy of the abs. you can not control the breaks like you can with out abs. By growing up riding and driving on dirt and snow, and I am an heavy eqiupment operator by trade, you get the feel for ( breaking traction) when accelorating or decelorating. So obivously I don't like ABS. That being said I do believe that most people who drive today can benifit from it , not having the same oppertunity to learn how to control thier breaks. case and point , My four girls, I blieve ABS and traction control are a must for them.