I read your artical. It states that if your a PROFESIONAL WORLD CLASS DRIVER, and you meet all 6 conditions, that is is POSSIBLE to stop faster without ABS. Let's face it, #4 is the main reason a motorcyclist, even a WORLD CLASS DRIVER can benefit from ABS.
Tell me one time when you have been riding with your friends and you can gurantee them that all 6 conditions, can without a dout, be met 100% of the time.
I have attached the quote.
Extremely good riders, such as professional world-class racers, are
well-versed at threshold braking. Repeated testing with a variety of riders
and motorcycles, under a variety of conditions, have concluded that a
non-ABS bike can attain a shorter stopping distance than the identical
ABS-equipped bike, providing that all six of following criteria are met:
1) The exercise takes place on a high-traction surface.
2) The high-traction surface does not have any variables that vary the
available traction.
3) The rider knows the traction limits of the test bike on the test
track (this requires multiple attempts to hone the perfect stop).
4) The rider is mentally and physically readied for the braking exercise.
(i.e., no surprises)
5) The rider is well-trained at threshold braking, and well-practiced.
6) No human error occurs during the execution of the exercise.