Actualy I did need to change the pot settings . I found at running speed It was jerking and missing . So I put up the green pot but It sounded like it was flooding .
I then proceeded to dial down the green pot tilll finaly its set at 1 . I get no surges, or decel pop and its running a lot smoother. I still get a hesitation once in a while on light throtel when trailing behind some one In a 40 mph zone , but that sounds like transition between Idle , cruze mode , and acelleration.
My MPG has gone down a bit but I may have the other pots too rich. There is no lag when I twist wrist.
I'm not sure about the Cobra or their tech support but if they operate like Dobeck you can call them with the mods you've done and they should be able to dial it in for you. There's nothing worse then doing the hit and miss trying to set it correctly. Ask me how I know!!!