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Any thoughts on fuel tuners?

What do you mean?...If you're a vet, HD will give you half off....I'm a Vietnam Vet...Do I get half off everything HD? This is for SHARPSCUBA.
For whats its worth....I was as confused as most on this subject matter, It was people on this forum who led me in the right direction,,, I purchased the TFI, really going on their knowledge, and I must say no regrets here......... Its about as easy as it gets.. Tim
For whats its worth....I was as confused as most on this subject matter, It was people on this forum who led me in the right direction,,, I purchased the TFI, really going on their knowledge, and I must say no regrets here......... Its about as easy as it gets.. Tim

+1 on that statement!:D:D
TTS. You don't have to disconnect the o2 sensors like on the TFI and you can do so much more, recalibrate the speedo, throttle responce,fuel/air mixture, ect.

I have heard and read good things on the TTS system. I don't know anybody that personally has it. I had the PC3 on my last harley so I would assume the pc5 is even better. I currently have the sert on mine and since I'm not doing the tuning, i figure one is as good as another. You would really need to have master tuners that have worked with different ones to make a good qualified answer on this. I would go with the one that your main dealer or technician is familiar with. That just makes common sense.
I called Dobek today and inquired about Veteran discounts and found out that
(thanks to info obtained on this forum) the military discount applies to all veterans even an Ole Dawg like me.:D I've used the TFI on my past 2 bikes and had great succes with them. That and all the positive feedback on this forum is why I choose to go with them again. But while talking with the rep he mentioned a new technoligy G3....... are any of you familiar with this?
I will inquire further about this before choosing which unit to get.:swoon

I initially was going to go with the 1252 ST but after being informed of the G3
I decided to hold off until I could gather more info and understand it better. Its $25 more than the 1252ST