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Any thoughts on fuel tuners?

My preference is the S/E super tuner because I know how it works and I feel there's enough mystery boxes & wires on a stock now a days. I don't like having one more thing to break down on my bike. If you like playing on a lap top you can down load, or your dealer can down load a map built by the same manufacturer that built your bike and not have to dyno it unless you want. If you don't plan on doing any future upgrades you would also be fine with just a HD down load you can purchase from your local dealer. There are so many more options out there I can't name them all, but they all work. Everybody has there own preferences. like B-1 said, do your home work and pick one that's right for you.
TTS. You don't have to disconnect the o2 sensors like on the TFI and you can do so much more, recalibrate the speedo, throttle responce,fuel/air mixture, ect.
TTS. You don't have to disconnect the o2 sensors like on the TFI and you can do so much more, recalibrate the speedo, throttle responce,fuel/air mixture, ect.
Do you really have to disconnect your 02 sensors? Who in there right mind would do that?
I don't use this solution but I have helped someone do an install and believe what is more the truth and what the poster might have meant is there is a harness that routes down to each O2 sensor and a loopback plug is tied into the O2 plug. This allows the O2 sensors to be part of the system. In my mind it is a hassle to install one.

I went with a Fuel Pak it ties in series to the ECM plug. Easy in my way of thinking. The Fuel Pak has no harness to route under the tank and forward to the front pipe and another harness down to the rear pipe.
Tank, thanks for the info that makes sense to me now, and I apologize Fireguy, I have never installed a TFI and should have thought before asking a stupid question, I agree with you a TTS does sounds like a excellent choice.
No problem Chopper.....alot of people like the TFI for it's simplicity, but the TTS and tuners that require a computer to retune your bike give you more options. The fuel pak from V&H give you 1 setting, that's it.TFI is done by hearing the motor as you add fuel with screws on the tuner. To me that's a guessing game. Not something to do with a $20,000+ bike. But when all things are said and done, it would be a good idea to have your bike dyno tuned to make sure your air/fuel mixture is right on. Not to lean and not to rich.
Yea I'm still running a carbureted bike and a carburetor isn't much more then a Campbell's soup can with a of couple holes poked in it.
Differant strokes for differant folk's.
Thanks Yall for all the input on fuel tuners. I'd never even swung a leg over a fuel injected motorsickle till spring of 08 when I bought this retired 06 cop bike, I don't know much about about the electronic age, I'm really old school, I still go to the auto parts store and get Chevy six cylinder points & condenser for my ol' Shovel Berzerker.
I know there's about a gazillion tuners on the market and I guess I'll choose one sooner or later but I seem to remember being able to really tune an engine by ear and feel NOT having to use a computer!
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I sometimes wish I could just put an S&S carb, points and a kicker on it but then it probubly wouldn't even fire up and run.
I'm really glad I found this site, as previously stated recently purchased my dresser and am contemplating the tfi upgrade...a lot of good info here.
I run the PCIII usb and so far, i love it. Not only does it tune, it increases rev limiter. I have option of running maps, but then I can fine tune those maps when necessary