i dont shave , not because i like a beard but because i hate to shave lol . my hair is probably too long lol 4 or 5 hair bands keep it neat for work and riding . my boss hates it , my ol lady loves it ;-) and customers dont seem to mind.
iv had my chain wallet sinse 1985 ,its nicely broken in lol. jeans and tshirts most of the time.
i ride about 1000miles amonth to work ,until frost on the windshields lol, and when ever where ever i can on the weekend. i do my own work, (im an auto tech not a bike mechanic) because i dnt trust anyone with my bike lol.
biker ? rider? ;-) whatever lol im just me, on my bike or not and ride becuse i love bikes ;-) same as anybody here id guess lol
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