Where I live a motorcycle is sole transport for the majority of people, You often see a family of three, four or even more loaded up on a honda wave (125cc step through), It's no different for me; my bike's just BIGGER. Sometimes I might just hop on her in my sandals. I duck my ponytail up under me helmet and go. I got a car, don't use it except for fetching stuff too big for the bags.
I live in Asia, you take your shoes off when you go into offices or anybody's home, after a while you get where you avoid the boots. I wear 'em on longer rides and feel just a tad bad not wearing 'em on the short hops into town, But it's just a way of life here. Everyone wears flip flops on or off the bikes. Helmets are required by law, after 18:00 that law doesn't get enforced; But I wear it anyway.
I've never much gone in for that "Biker Look," but I guess tee-shirt and jeans fits the stereotype. Someone gave me a leather vest for my birthday last week. It's a nice vest, got Harley patches on it, etc. I wear it now when i ride, out of respect for the dude that gave it to me. First one I've ever owned. I've been ridin' since 1967.