On the way to the Office for a meeting late this morning, the tranny broke! Making way lotta grinding/screeching sounds from the middle low-down section of the bike, and tranny gear lube (yes it is that red stuff!) pouring out between the left side of the tranny and the inner primary. If I wasn't a mod here and concerned with following the rules, I would be typing some creative phrases (well not really, since that would be disrespecting all of you folks)!! But you KNOW I am thinkin' them pretty loudly.
Anyway. Had my meeting and called the bike rescue guy to come and drag it down to Republic HD. That is where I bought the tranny. We'll see if there is any sort of warranty on the thing depending on what they find. Doubt it though.
Oh well. Supposed to rain tomorrow anyway! Time to start working on the little bike. If she was running, there would be NO issue! I guess I need a third bike, huh, Richard.