OK, Gents. The gory details.
Republic HD tore off the left side (primary) to expose the left side of the tranny. Horror show! The inside "teeth" in the drive pulley that mate with the "teeth" on the mainshaft where completely stripped out. The threads in the meganut that secures the drive pulley to the mainshaft where completely stripped, as were the mating threads on the mainshaft. But the locking screws were still holding the mega nut to the pulley. The mechanic said it looked like only a few threads had been engaged since only about three or four rounds were stripped on the mainshaft.
When the pulley was wallowing around loose, it tore up the back of the inner primary around the lip seal area. So, the big stuff I need to replace are at least:
- inner primary
- mainshaft/5th gear
- drive pulley
- plus the bits-and-pieces
Parts: $ 817
Labor: $ 712.50
Total w/tax: $1,590
That is the guesstimate until we open up the tranny and see if everything is OK in there.
So how did that all happen?
Next step is to contact HD Customer Service and see if they will do anything about this. The Service Manager at Republic is NOT very hopeful. We'll see. Will call them tomorrow.