OK, folks. I have learned my lesson about all this procrastinatin' I've been doing! This weekend I am attacking the garage to get that in shape. Ordered the lumber for the ceiling joist doublers (the stuff the builder used was absolute trash!). Then peg-board up completely on the three walls. Move everything back in and set up for action. Won't look as good as Chopper's place, but at least I will be able to find everything.
Then, LITTLE BIKE! Complete tear down and rebuild of the '91 Dyna. Sorry to you purists, but I am gonna redo the powder coat on the engine and tranny cases with Teflon (Poly-Dyn). Not doing anything radical with the bike other than valve job, hone cylinders, and new cam shaft. Will do the photo essay thing like with the roller-chain conversion on the TC. Should be fun.