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Bikers escort boy to school

I remember seeing something about this and this kid months ago. May have been on fox news. Can't remember. But that's a pretty cool ending to that story.
I can't thank this kid or the riders that supported him enough. This is our country, a lot of us spent a good portion of out lives defending it and what it stands for. Anyone who says we can't honor our flag and country needs to take a hike. :USA
That is GREAT that he would not back down from them when they told him he couldn't and it is GREAT that he all of those people there to support him.
Safety concern??? Really???
Looks like the school board stirred up a bunch of proud Americans.
Maybe they should start being proud themselves or get the heck out!!!
Safety concern??? Really???
Looks like the school board stirred up a bunch of proud Americans.
Maybe they should start being proud themselves or get the heck out!!!

Thats what i wanted to know, how do they justify this? How is it a safety concern? What exactly made this a safety concern? Usally i am calm, cool and collected as well i try to use reason and logic when i deal with things like this. However, this has me in a rage!!! If there truly is a safety concern with a child flying an American flag on American soil, that safety concern should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.
Thats what i wanted to know, how do they justify this? How is it a safety concern? What exactly made this a safety concern? Usally i am calm, cool and collected as well i try to use reason and logic when i deal with things like this. However, this has me in a rage!!! If there truly is a safety concern with a child flying an American flag on American soil, that safety concern should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.

I could not agree more. :bigsmiley19:
I envy you guys who have it better than us. We in the UK cannot have a Nativity play in school as we may upset the muslims. We cannot fly the UK flag or the same reason. We are forced to embrace and celebrate all other forms of culture and diversity (except our own).