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Bikers escort boy to school

Thats what i wanted to know, how do they justify this? How is it a safety concern? What exactly made this a safety concern? Usally i am calm, cool and collected as well i try to use reason and logic when i deal with things like this. However, this has me in a rage!!! If there truly is a safety concern with a child flying an American flag on American soil, that safety concern should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.

There was actually quite a lot of info on this. Seems the school had some racial problems at their Cinco De Mayo festival in May over the Mexican flag being displayed. Apparently some kids at the school lodged compliants about Cody flying the U.S. flag. Rather than aggravate the situation the school administrator told him he could not fly it. This occurred around Veterans Day.

The rest is history...
There was actually quite a lot of info on this. Seems the school had some racial problems at their Cinco De Mayo festival in May over the Mexican flag being displayed. Apparently some kids at the school lodged compliants about Cody flying the U.S. flag. Rather than aggravate the situation the school administrator told him he could not fly it. This occurred around Veterans Day.

The rest is history...
I tried googling it to read the whole story, but all i could find was that they did it for safety concerns. Thank you for clearing that up. I still have to add this though;
I wonder what would happen if you tried to fly the American flag in Mexico on any day of the year, let alone the Fourth of July. I understand that our country is a melting pot for basically any nationality that wants to be here and am very tolerant of that. But, when there is an issue with flying the American flag, proud to be an American, or somebody desicrating our flag, all cards are off the table and it is time for some (EDIT)
kicking, no questions asked. When you think of all the people who have fought and died for our country, we might as well just go (EDIT)
on all of their graves. What is happening to this country?

Please read this...

A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community

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I tried googling it to read the whole story, but all i could find was that they did it for safety concerns. Thank you for clearing that up. I still have to add this though;
I wonder what would happen if you tried to fly the American flag in Mexico on any day of the year, let alone the Fourth of July. I understand that our country is a melting pot for basically any nationality that wants to be here and am very tolerant of that. But, when there is an issue with flying the American flag, proud to be an American, or somebody desicrating our flag, all cards are off the table and it is time for some (EDIT) kicking, no questions asked. When you think of all the people who have fought and died for our country, we might as well just go (EDIT) on all of their graves. What is happening to this country?

Could not agree any more Ultra. The thought process should be "AMERICA the RED WHITE and BLUE" first then P.C. politically correct. Not the other way around...
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I envy you guys who have it better than us. We in the UK cannot have a Nativity play in school as we may upset the muslims. We cannot fly the UK flag or the same reason. We are forced to embrace and celebrate all other forms of culture and diversity (except our own).

It makes the blood boil - we're letting our culture and traditions go for fear of offending the intolerent. How daft is that? We need to be a bit more like our American cousins in terms of taking patriotism more seriously in the UK whilst still embracing those who want to be a part of our country - not turn it into somewhere else.
I'd better shut up now - this is moving into political comment instead of being about motorbikes!!:bigsmiley30:

p.s. well done that kid on the bike!!!
Hang in there Admiral Nelson. Give us another 10yrs or so and if the powers that be over on this side of the pond get their way, we'll be able to share your misery. Misery loves company right? We got a guy right now in our government, who is the "Administrator of White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs" - another one of our charasmatic Prezs guy in the shadows, who has publicly stated that he needs to get the cost of gasoline over here the same as what it is over on your side of the pond. Once folks can't afford to drive, then the grand plan can more easily be put into motion. Herd the cattle so to speak. We have a lot of folks in our current government structure that like the way you guys run things over there. Ain't none of them any good, but this latest batch we got in power right now is just downright scary. Its what folks don't know they're doing is whats scary. Stealth.
I tried googling it to read the whole story, but all i could find was that they did it for safety concerns. Thank you for clearing that up. I still have to add this though;
I wonder what would happen if you tried to fly the American flag in Mexico on any day of the year, let alone the Fourth of July. I understand that our country is a melting pot for basically any nationality that wants to be here and am very tolerant of that. But, when there is an issue with flying the American flag, proud to be an American, or somebody desicrating our flag, all cards are off the table and it is time for some (EDIT)
kicking, no questions asked. When you think of all the people who have fought and died for our country, we might as well just go (EDIT)
on all of their graves. What is happening to this country?

Please read this...

A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community

Apolagizes to anyone who read the offensive language that I posted here before Dr. Doolittle edited it. There is no excuse for using that type of language and I will do my best to not do that again in the future.
I must also say that beyond the offensive language, I stand behind everything else that I posted. :42:
Tank - you're quite right. My earlier reply went off-topic of motorbikes - sorry about that. This thread evokes a sense of patriotism and love of country I suppose.....
yea I probably got a little off track too from the original subject content. I do better to not get pulled into a political discussion, especially when its not my stripe of folks in charge. Sorry about that Mods - we were just making sure Glider was getting his moneys worth out of you guys :laugh