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CNN Harley Article

The real problem is not the's the "nut turners" that are making way more then an un-educated, un-scilled "nut turner" deserves!! If an employee can be pulled off the line and a replacement plugged in with little training, then that "minimum scilled" emoloyee should be payed "minimim wage" rather then some outrageous hourley salary. I'm all for advancing ones carrier and pay, but it should be in porportion with how much they are investing in themselves and our country.
I have three young kids, and two young step-kids. I take them on rides when I can, and they all love to go.....
So, I'll do my part and raise them to love riding. And i'll get them to love HD, even if i have to beat it into them!!:s

well as it has been said before " lower the prices "

I used to pick a 53' trailer full of brand new HD's up out of York,PA from there distribution warehouse and bring them up to Montreal,QC.
So crossing the border into Canada I needed all the paperwork for each bike,and in that paperwork was the price they were selling to the distribution warehouse in Montreal . And that price and the dealer price were far apart.... more then double.

I think it would have to get really bad for them to drop the prices.

First the HD you own now would be worth less, and I for one have had that just happen to me thanks to GM. My 07 Saturn is now worth less then half of what I have left to pay. I like the fact that HD's don't lose there value like the rice burners do.
Just my 2cents. F1
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harley should do like the tobacco companies and price some of their bikes so the younger generation can afford them and get them hooked and build some brand loyalty. alot of guys buy what they can afford, get used to the brand and never look back. seems that way they would get a broader piece of the market. when the economy goes south the high end is the first to suffer maybe a broader range of bikes and prices would help them thru something like this. maybe im all wrong on this and i know the auto industry is a bad example rite now but ill bet gm is selling more colorados then hummers.

buy a sportster ride it for a year and if you trade up next year you get the same price as you paid, that is what they are trying and the rice burners are no cheaper size for size
I myself think that Harley would sell alot more bikes if they sold skeleton bikes. I am not sure if they do or not, but I would buy a striped down RoadKing tonight if I could just buy the frame, tank, engine, electrical and wheels and spend a month or two adding my own stuff. I mean really, guys go out and buy a bike off the showroom floor, spend 20k and the first thing they do is start pulling factory parts and start putting on the new ones, I am guilty of it myself.

Yep..Yep! Been there and done that. Reason I took the plunge and bought a bike with all the chrome and comfort goodies including engine enhancements on it, and only wish it was only $30 grand! It took most of the fun out of buying all the chrome stuff and putting it on myself and yes, it's still Ugly. :bigsmiley20: Nothing left to do but ride it to death. :newsmile01:
Ugly John
Hey, in case some of you missed it, the MOCO DID drop the prices...of FATBOYS! The 09's are $1200 less than the 08's! I almost (EDITED) when I saw that. Figured they must have stripped chorme off or something, but nope, same bike. Now just think how you'd feel if you paid MSRP for an 08, then discover you could have bought an 09 for $1200 less. The value of my 07 dropped like a rock. But I don't care, because I aint planning on getting rid of it soon, if ever. Who knows what 2010's will cost! Can rebates and 0% financing be far off? This economy (EDITED)!

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Yep..Yep! Been there and done that. Reason I took the plunge and bought a bike with all the chrome and comfort goodies including engine enhancements on it, and only wish it was only $30 grand! It took most of the fun out of buying all the chrome stuff and putting it on myself and yes, it's still Ugly. :bigsmiley20: Nothing left to do but ride it to death. :newsmile01:
Ugly John

Yeah, it may be "--ugly", but you know, what marraige made in heavan started off with Ride it a guarantee of success? "Tough job, but someone has to do it"! :ap
Good point, one has only to visit a HD dealership and wonder what the overhead is on the gorgeous environment and all the employees wages.

These establishments are no longer 2 car garages off the beaten path.

Wants have a different priority than needs.


What we need is a top to bottom overhaul of our "free" trade,union contracts, and policies that give tax brakes to corporations that ship our jobs off shore. The Gen X-Y or whatever they call themselves these days have no "brand" loyality to anything that says "Made in USA". Simply put the same taxes,tarrifs on overseas products that come into the US, as they do to our autos,bikes etc. overseas.
As for the MO-CO get rid of the MBA's that run everything and take a long hard look at something other than short term profits, this applies to the rest of the US companies also, and the unions. Our kids can't buy the products that make our economic system run on burger flipping wages.
Agreed. "Free Trade" is a swindle and one reason why this depression is as severe as it is (and then we have that massive criminal enterprise called Wall St. and The Banks). U.S. corporations have shipped 2-1/2 to 3 m jobs to the coolie providing countries of Asia, thereby depressing U.S. wages and creating a $4.8 t BOP deficit. "Free Trade" has to end!