So I pulled the pilot key from the 93 carb it’s a 42, the main is a 165 and the emulsion tube has 5 holes on one side and 2 on the other. The emulsion tube in the twin cam carb has 1 hole on each side.
My humble opinion would be get rid of the runners kit that is in carburetor. That would call for removing the adjustable needle, the main jet & emulsion tube. And the intermediate jet. You will not need this kit. Get it to a stock configuration write down the jet sizes you installed so you have a record. As stated by another member people just think more fuel flow is the answer, but it is not, getting the float level set properly and setting the idle screw will get you going out the gate.Frenchie, thank you. I had forgotten about the charcoal canister as the 95 inch Evo I road from 99 till I gave it to my son didn’t have it but the 93 FXSTC did. I will plug that fitting and go from there. One thing, will the emulsion tube be different if it has the tuners jet in it. I have a rebuild kit on the way along with assorted jets. Is it ok to use the needle with the C clip? I reread your post, will get or remove from stock carb the needle and use it.
I do not see any photos. Check the emulsion tube length against the one you are taking out as you want to make sue it seats against the needle guide that sits below the tube tube when you screw it in. The needle guide is the silver colored parts you would see protruding into the bore area. The holes in the emulsion tube are there so air mixes with the fuel before it is sucked into the bore. You can use the stock needle as long as you are using stock numbered jets. The needle controls the amount of fuel that is allowed to pass through the jet as you are accelerating.