Here is some food for thought. I live in Phoenix, AZ and the shop where I rebuilt my engine (top and bottom) is just down the road from one of the two MMI (Motorcyle Mechanic Institutes) in the country - the other is in Orlando, Fl. These schools supply the certified motorcyle (including Harley) mechanics in the country.
A vast number of students from MMI come into the shop - faculty know the owner and recommend the place, they get a 10 % discount, it's a place to go during lunch, occasionally they see a female working on her own rather big bike or something else (ahem, that's me :newsmile040: if you missed it!), or whatever brings them in. Well, IMHO, I would not ever :nosad , and I mean NEVER :no , let ANY of those individuals Touch My Bike. (One even knocked my bike over :bigsmiley19: - fortunately I was not in the vicinity when it happened but I did see them picking her up!!!! :newsmile055: ) And the things they say about the instructors - ugh. Now, I have to say, I don't meet them all, but those that I do, They scare me!!! :26: The real trick, finding, out of those few good ones, the one or two that land in the shop near you.
CatWoman :rider
CatWoman :rider