Crocker, good post, may want to put in a good word on the HD dealer thread and give the owner a good thank you. Just a thought and kind word can go a long way for our readers as well!
I purchased all my bolts from True value hardware store. They were crome plated, allen head bolts, and less expensive.![]()
I'm just about fed up.
I happened to strip the head of one of my derby cover screws last night, as I was torquing it.
Not a big deal, those small torx fasteners are prone to this so, I decided that I would just ride by the dealer this morning and pick one up.
Never even gave it a thought that they would not have one in stock!!
I called my son in law, while waiting for the parts man, and asked if he wanted me to pick up a master cylinder gasket for his Nightrain while I was there.
So, It's my turn to be served.....gave the man my parts order....they don't have the derby cover screws in stock.
Checked the number for the master cylinder gasket....they don't have it in stock.
Last trip up there, I needed to replace the rubber breather hoses from the heads....don't have them in stock.
Before that, the chain tensioner for a current model TC96 engine.....not in stock.
Meanwhile, there's a million dollars worth of chrome do-dads hanging on the wall, and on racks all over the place.
And there are t-shirts, jackets, hats, shoes, underwear, socks, and just about anything you could imagine with the Harley Davidson Logo on it.
On my way out the door I ran into the owner, who I've known for 40 years or more, and voiced my displeasure.
I hold him "this would be a good place to start a Harley dealership"
He cocked his head and gave me a "just what are you mean by that" look.
So I told him just exactly what I have written here.
Last I saw him, he was headed for the parts manager at a brisk walk.
Now IMHO those screws on the derby covers are not a good design. Small Torx fasteners are vulnerable! Never stripped one, but am ALWAYS concern when taking the cover off and on.
I would be willing to bet they weren't grade 8 bolts.