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Do you let anyone ride your bike?

I've never let anyone ride my bikes, within common sence. Sold one in '92 & let that one go for a test run (they had the money in hand). My mechanic is always welcome. Other then that I can't recall anyone ever being allowed. I would have let the old man but he would never ask, he's kind of in the same mind set!
It is way too easy for something to go wrong on an unfamiliar bike.
That's it in a nut shell.
Only my son or my brother could ride mine. Maybe some members of the club who rdie bigger bikes then mine but only if we swapped bikes for a short ride. I use to let my son take out my ski boat when he was in his older teen years but he had passed the safety class, and repairing boats was his profession. He also takes good care of anything he owns.
Been riding since '70, bought my first HD in '78. Always worked hard for what I own. Go buy/ rent one , no one rides mine
Only very close and very trusted and very capable buddies. And I hate it when the bike is parked and someone thinks that they can mount it.
My father-in-law has always told me...
There are 3 things I do not loan
!.Car (in his case)
He says loaning any of these things will mess up a friendship.....
I have let my son and wife ride mine just to see how it feels.. they both ride their own and I trust them!!
I've allowed 4 folks to ride my bike. All of them are equally or more experienced riders than myself, and are good friends. Would never dream of letting a complete stranger throw a leg over my steed.
There are only 2 people that I let ride my 09 RG and my Wing. My 30-year-old son because he got me into riding and he is a better rider than I am. And, my neighbor, who let me ride his two Harleys when I was thinking about buying one. I bought an 09 RG and let my neighbor ride it. He then sold his old Harleys and bought his own 09 RG.

Having a neighbor with the same bike is very helpful when it comes to accessories. We can jointly buy one accessory that we are both interested in, put it on one of the bikes, and see exactly how it works. We can then buy or pass on getting the same accessory for the other bike. It has saved us a lot of money.