free website stats program Do you "ride" or "drive" your bike? | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums

Do you "ride" or "drive" your bike?

I don't know... I ride my motorcycles, but I drive them into and out of corners..
Ride, drive, steer, doesn't matter. They're all the same - time to venture off! ;)
I ride mine like I stole it.
Floorboard to floorboard on the turns, new rear tire every season, new front every second season.
Questions like this CAN drive many NUTS...

like; What came first? the Chicken or the Egg?

Riding and Driving;

I Ride my Bike BUT Drive it when it is in my trailer...

I find LITTLE satisfaction Driving my bike Unless it is in BAD Weather.. Then I love to Drive my bike.:D

Driving it to the Destination is not the Fun.

Riding it there IS....

I don't really sweat the small stuff. Current circumstances in my life have taught me this lesson. Take my advice. Live and enjoy every minute on the top side of the dirt.

That is all...

Rich P
if it has handle bars you ride it, a steering wheel you drive it.........

then why do I have a riding lawn mower and not a driving lawn mower??? Hmmmm......??? :p

and as far as the original questions goes..... does it really matter??? call it what you like, it's still the same thing. :D
English is not my first language therefore I am not good at grammar but I preferred to RIDE my bike! :D

ASL (America Sign Language) is my first language so I rather to sign "VROOOOOMMM"

WOW!!! You people are giving me a headache I think it is time to go for a ride and clear my head.

PaPa T
Nam Vet:small3d026: