free website stats program Do you "ride" or "drive" your bike? | Page 3 | Harley Davidson Forums

Do you "ride" or "drive" your bike?

then why do I have a riding lawn mower and not a driving lawn mower??? Hmmmm......??? :p

and as far as the original questions goes..... does it really matter??? call it what you like, it's still the same thing. :D

Because you are sitting on it, not in it. Driving my gocart, riding my mower.
then why do I have a riding lawn mower and not a driving lawn mower??? Hmmmm......??? :p

My thought is a riding lawn mower is just that, a mower you ride on it instead of pushing it..........:shock If it was a lawn tractor you would drive it....:small3d026:
I thought I was the only one irritated by things like that! It also bugs me to see people improperly use "your" and "you're", as well as "their" "there", and "they're". My kids refer to me as the Grammar Nazi, so maybe I am just easily annoyed.

Hey Jennmarr! I thought I was the only one! I see misspelling like this all the time. Doesn't really annoy me but it is surprising when you see these errors in magazines where the articles are written by educated writers. I'm told that a common excuse is spell checkers built into the word processing software. Autocomplete doesn't understand context I guess!
I think it may have something to do with "riding" a horse, or "driving a team of horses". The horseless carriage came along but you still "drive" it. Kinda like dialing a telephone, does anyone have a rotary dial phone anymore? Yet I still dial the phone number.The technology changes faster than language can keep up.

I vote for RIDE. This should have been a poll!