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Do you wear a helmet?

I will wear my helmet when I have the windshield on, or I'm not going over 50. When the windshield is off, the wind pressure makes my neck feel like it's being crushed!! Anyone else have that issue?
Your helmet is too big.
I live in Texas and even though it gets hot in the summer I always wear a full face with shield.
HUA top!! I bring the dogs when I run though. I carry 50 lbs, they carry their own food and water. Only seems fair.

Warning....if you yell and scream at me they get agitated and WILL attack. God I love those dogs!!!

Oh and one more thing...I'll test a group of insurgents, I'll test an IED, I'll test a terrorist who thinks he can out plant what my dog can find, I'll even test my CC...but I would never, EVER, and I mean EVER NEVER test top...I aint that brave. :)
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Wonder what a good product would be to to clean them.:p

Uh, Pledge for general clean up and routine shine...:D BUT on the clear windshield, faceshield or googles I use warm, wet towel to gently get all the bugs, grit and grunge off.

Then I use Yamaha Windscreen cleaner apply and work in firmly at 50 deg C/medium humidity (leaving the haze on) with a clean piece of old white cotton T-shirt...let it dry for about 5 minutes. Then with a separate clean old white cotton T-shirt...polish all the haze to a very bright luster...on clear windscreen and plastic lenses, it removes fine scratches and leaves no film. :s

On the non-clear parts of the helmet, fairings and other parts you can then finish them off with Pledge. It works to help keep the bugs from clinging and makes followup cleanup whether with a hose (if after a muddy ride) or routine washing makes dirt and debris fall off. :)

Agree with BWalsh, SledDog and GasBag...ALWAYS wear a helmet...have too many loved ones that I would NOT want to part company with! Modern ones have vents and styles to address practically any objections or excuses riders use. It is a lot cheaper than insurance or pre/post OP costs to families, in your absence if you should experience less than 100% full recovery if in a serious accident.:small3d002:
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It's a law here. But I would wear one anyway. I drive in traffic mostly to and from work. Since we have ice and snow and 6 degrees, the way some cages drive, I should wear my helmet in my cage.
It's a law here. But I would wear one anyway. I drive in traffic mostly to and from work. Since we have ice and snow and 6 degrees, the way some cages drive, I should wear my helmet in my cage.

And that is the point EXACTLY......You should be the one to make that used to be called freedom.
It's the law in NJ, so I have no choice here, I wear one regardless of what state I'm riding in, just want to live to see my grandchildren grow up. When it's warm, I wear a half and when it gets cold a full.
I am lucky enough to live in a state that gives you a choice (New Hampshire). I wear one 99.99 % of the time. I wear the 1/2 on the country road and the 3/4 or full whenever I'm on the highway. I also always were the leather with armor when on the highway no matter what the temp is.
I get to see see what people go through trying to rehab from head injuries, so I wear mine 99% of the time, and have actually gotten to the point I'm more comfortable with a lid; 1/2 during the summer, 3/4 or full when it's cold.

With that said, I'm glad that Texas allows us a choice on the matter.
I live in a state that also gives us a choice. Yea I normally run with out one but been thinking more and more about starting wearing one a lot more . There a lot more idiots on the road now especially now the have cell phones
I live in a great state that gives me a choice. Locally I don't wear a helmet, when on the highway, I do. I really should be wearing one all the time, but that free feeling makes it really hard.