Ok, I'm still on the fence as to whether to go Gear vs Chain. Is this more of a personal choice or is there a drawback to the geared cams?
DRAW BACKS to ME are the CRANK RUN-OUT (.) and on todays bikes seem to be a real problem....
I went gear drive on my 2000 FXDS...
MY crank run-out was .001 if that, measured in frame, at the oil pump in block....
MY bike took to a gear drive JUST FINE using 570SS cams with a lot of OTHER work like heads,valves,bearings... THE MAIN EXTRA BOUGHT things that COST ME $$$$$$ that I felt NEEDED to make this a GREAT, LONG LASTING BUILD, back when i did it, in 2001:
the FUELING oil pump n lifters $450
the DELKRON cam support plate $300.
FOR the conversion TODAY in THE "KIT" 429$,,, you get a NEW high volume Oil Pump and a CAM Plate for LESS than the ones I bought above and GET RID of the SHOES that are a part of the problem reason for converting.....
YOU also get the TENSIONERs changed to the NEWER STYLE the bikes use today IF KEEPING the CHAIN DRIVE SYSTEM....
NOW if YOU use the HD "KIT" or go John HERKO "KIT" (TQuentin1 informed) TQ1 has done this and has a lot of GOOD to see and read on this subject.
I would buy the HD "KIT" TODAY just for the parts needed EVEN IF going to GEAR DRIVES if my crank were in tolerance.....( high volume oil pump and cam plate alone, worth the 429$)
I had very GOOD luck with the gear drives and wouldn't hesitate to do it again in a TC in the 88 cu.in. models (older ones) BUT NOT ON a out of TOLERANCE CRANK regardless.... OR on the 96" bike I have today.... I'll KEEP it chain driven , even if i change out the cams and block bearings (torringtons)
MY crank(2000 FXDS) was as GLIDER PUT IT, a long while back, saying "older TC cranks had fewer problems than todays newer cranks" or close like that??? (see if he is reading this post)..
so yes and no to "is it a personal problem".... I SURE LIKED MY GEAR DRIVES in that OLD 2000 95" 6 spd dyna.