I was working in a motorcycle store when this guy walks in with a beat up helmet. He starts looking at the new helmets, and I started talking to him -- I asked him what happened to the one he was carrying. He says, "I was run off the road the other day." I looked at his helmet again -- which was beat to crap -- and I asked him if he was OK, because the helmet looked like he had taken a rough fall.
The guy looks at his helmet and says, "Nah, I didn't drop the bike -- the guy wasn't paying attention and ran me off the road. I did this to the helmet when I caught back up to him and started beating his car with it."
True story!

The guy looks at his helmet and says, "Nah, I didn't drop the bike -- the guy wasn't paying attention and ran me off the road. I did this to the helmet when I caught back up to him and started beating his car with it."
True story!