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Dropped Helmet

tried hail its not what i would call fun, my 3/4 open used to be a HJC get lids then i dropped it :( now i use Arai, and dropped 3 days into ownership yes i still wear it as i have yet to get a new one which is on order :D

I have luck along those lines with helments. have just about decided that when I buy a new car I should take a ball peen hammer and just go put a door ding in the fender. Beat the idiots to it.
I have luck along those lines with helments. have just about decided that when I buy a new car I should take a ball peen hammer and just go put a door ding in the fender. Beat the idiots to it.

You might want to view the video on helmets Glider posted. Believe Biglew provided it. Aria rep states a simple drop should not kill your helmet.
Good video. It puts to rest the myth of replacing dropped hemets!

In a nut shell, if it falls off your bike and hits the ground, the helmet is only reacting to its own weight, leaving the inside shell unharmed.
The industry standard for replacement is 3 to 5 years. I wear one full time at work and we go three seasons then get a new one. Man dropped helmets what an issue it is not the outer shell that protects you it is the innner layer and they claim if it is deformed from a drop it can dissipate the blunt force trauma in a way not designed. All I know is we train to stay with /on the motor until it stops and that is why my personal HD has an engine guard. My buddy went down at 65 MPH / 110 KPH on his Sportster and the engine guard saved his legs the saddlebags helped. He did not have a head strike (wearing a plastic beanie) but he jumped off near the end of the slide and lost his jacket and chaps to damage and sprained an ankle and a wrist. Stay on the motor let it slide to a stop and save your head and your health.
I have my new helmet all picked out. Now I gotta save!!!! I have at least a few months before I will be back on my sporty so that will give me enough time. Plus my birthday is headin this way. I'll throw some hints to hubby!!!!
Make sure he gets the hint too or we'll all ride up there and clue him in! :lolrolling

He should buy you a different helmet for every day of the week to show you he's glad that you are OK.:s