I used to work in the insurance industry, we actually taught insurance agents how to become agents.
Insurance is like opinions each is diffrent from every one elses. When looking at insurance there are a lot of variables involved, what kind of bike, age of bike verse age of driver, where the bike will be stored, what part of the country you live; city verse country, far do you ride the bike and how often. How many bikes do you own, how long have you been riding? Safety course or no safety course including advanced course. Do you have any tickets if so how long ago...were they on the bike or in a car. Who is your home owners or rental insurance through and now what is your credit score, this plays a large effect on what you will pay.
The only thing you can do is call around and hope for the best, unfortunatly insurance is an evil necessity, you hate paying for it cause odds are most will never use it (what the insurance companies want), but you are so glad you have it when something happens.
So how can you help yourself get cheaper Insurance? Park your bike in a secure faiclity when not in use, add an alarm. Obey the law and don't get any tickets. Take an MC refresher course or advance rider course. And this one you all should love by more motorcycles so you get a multi-bike discount. Work towards a better credit score. For the record in Jacksonville, FL I pay 608 a year for a 2011 Heritage and 09 Electra Glide full coverage through Gieco. Good luck and be safe.