The department I work for has approx. 260 officers. We have HD Road King Police Bikes (4 of them) used mainly for parades/funerals.
In 2003 I bought one of our bikes from the local dealer after the 2 year lease was up. It's a 2001, and when I got it it had 940 miles on it.
I replaced the solo air saddle with a HD 2-up touring seat, added a chrome luggage rack, a back rest, highway pegs, passenger floorboards, and a whole bunch more chrome. I also replaced the "hockey-puck" saddlebag knobs with chrome pop-up latches. The nice thing about the Police bike bags is they open from the top (like a regular lid.)
The dealer showed me the maintenance records when I bought the bike, and knowing the guy that rode the bike while it was "in-service" I had no qualms about buying/owning/riding etc.
The only thing I've had to do (other than regular maintenance) was have the stator replaced last summer.
I would absolutely buy another Police Bike (at least from my department.)