I like the pop-ups. I put on the chrome, but they also come in black. They are a flush mount, so there's nothing sticking up on the bag lid. To operate, you simply push the button and release. The button stays up, you turn it 1/4 turn either direction and lift. To close, you simply push the button back down and it latches. Install took about 40 minutes ( I used a grinder to grind off the backside of the OEM rivets.) You'll also need to make the hole in the lid bigger to accomodate the pop-up latch assembly. I used a step bit (cheapo from Harbor Freight) and it worked great. The pop-up kit comes with small buttons that fill in the holes left by the "puck" mount. You can get plain, or there are some with the HD Bar and Shield Logo. I siliconed mine from the backside just to ensure a watertight seal. I really like the "clean" look.