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Falling Leaves

I agree. I really think I am a better cage driver because I drive a bike. I am always watching what the other guy is doing, never pressing my right of way. It seems to be working because at 61 I am still here!! Should I be knocking on wood??
Another thing to watch out for at least around here are those little green thingys that look like a brain & are the size of a small apple that fall from the trees. Last week a coworker dropped his metric on one of those, he was going under 10 mph & still said it happened very quick. He is fine.
Another thing to watch out for at least around here are those little green thingys that look like a brain & are the size of a small apple that fall from the trees. Last week a coworker dropped his metric on one of those, he was going under 10 mph & still said it happened very quick. He is fine.

hedge "apples" ?

Another thing, from experience, are frozen dirt roads. They are fine when they are frozen, but watch for places the sun hits and thaws. You can be merrily riding along on a hard road, go over a knoll and be flying thru the air because the road is thawed and has turned to mud.
Osage Orange , Hedge Apple , Horse Apple --- just different names for the same culprit.
I've always heard that hedge apples were good to keep spiders out of your house. :s Don't know if it's true or not, but if you know anyone who freaks over spiders, it may be worth a shot....and it will help get these things off the road.
I've always heard that hedge apples were good to keep spiders out of your house. :s Don't know if it's true or not, but if you know anyone who freaks over spiders, it may be worth a shot....and it will help get these things off the road.

It maybe considered a "ol ' wives tale" BUT I have put these around the outside of my house and it seemed to help with several things that "crawl" around at night also --- mice,snakes,possums etc. I live out in the country,5 miles to nearest town and back in Ks. it was 8/9 miles. Just be careful with them,they will seep if bruised or punctered.
I would have to say that after I sarted riding a bike i started paying more attention while driving the cage. Riding gets you use to looking at everything that goes on around you.