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First ride without helmet.

If you felt a little uneasy, then you were probably be a little more careful and attentive. feeling "safe" is the first step to being careless or reckless. I have noticed that when I don't wear a helmet I try to be extra careful.

I think that we all have a comfort zone which vary between individuals but that most of us tend to stay near the limits of that zone and that the safer we feel, the more likely we are to subconsciously push the envelope and take risks to compensate for the drop in adrenalin.

Studies made about the seat belts in cages show that drivers wearing seat belts will drive faster on the same roads than if they are not wearing them.

I still rather wear a helmet and buckle up. (Even if I had a choice)
I am (pretty sure that I am) going to order a half helmet tomorrow.
I grew up not wearing seat belts and never thought a thing about it. After a few years of "conditioning" myself, it is now just what I do.
Perhaps the helmet will be the same... I dunno.
I've ridden a few times w/o a helmet, but prefer to wear one anyway.......even though it's a half helmet. But I do not support mandatory helmet laws.
I am (pretty sure that I am) going to order a half helmet tomorrow.
I grew up not wearing seat belts and never thought a thing about it. After a few years of "conditioning" myself, it is now just what I do.
Perhaps the helmet will be the same... I dunno.

Good choice, I agree to the skepticism of WS and RS that stats can be manipulated based on hidden agendas. But a helmet is the still the single voluntary act a rider can do to prevent serious head injury. It requires no rider skill, evasive manuever or split second decision before an impact occurs.

Frankly, I have seen too many riders and friends in the hospital, on the road side and parapalegic due to head trauma to try to help anyone riding for sport or pleasure to accept risk in kind. Promoting safety is my burden and I will cheerfully accept the heat for doing so, I love riding way too much to endanger it by giving in to anti-motorcyclists and safetycrats trying to abolish our sport by dividing us on this issue. :newsmile025:
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Riding without a helmet is like driving your car without a seatbelt. It's to late to put it on after the accident
I took off from my shop last week and got 1/2 mile down teh road before i relized i forgot to put my brain bucket on..I returend for my bucket.
What a wonderful ride without a helmet, it reminded me of the late 70's in CA.
I just got back from a 3,000 mile road trip 1/2 of it without wearing that Brain bucket. We started out going to Sturgis but once we got to Utah, we decides to go north to Idaho, Wyoming, montana 75-85 mph, what a ride, untill we got to wa,and or. then We had to put the brain buckets on and slow down, and Not tell anyone we were from CA., we told the OR,and Wa. locals we were from Montana, to Save bad feelings, they hate CA people.
What a wonderful ride without a helmet, it reminded me of the late 70's in CA.
I just got back from a 3,000 mile road trip 1/2 of it without wearing that Brain bucket. We started out going to Sturgis but once we got to Utah, we decides to go north to Idaho, Wyoming, montana 75-85 mph, what a ride, untill we got to wa,and or. then We had to put the brain buckets on and slow down, and Not tell anyone we were from CA., we told the OR,and Wa. locals we were from Montana, to Save bad feelings, they hate CA people.

Can the OR or WA People read? They can look at your cycle license plates and see the CA! :D
Probably the most controversial subject in motorcycling.....if you discount the great oil debates that is!!!!
I remember when PA passed a helmet law. I had to find one in order to ride to work...never mind the fact I had been doing it for years without the blasted thing. My neighbor said he had an old one he would sell for 5 bucks.
He came out with this old football player looking thing with leather trim and not much of anything inside. I told him it wasn't worth 5 bucks...I'd give him 2 for it. We settled on 3 dollars, and I wore that rotten thing until they repealed that stupid law.
The day they announced the repeal of the helmet law, I threw that piece of garbage as far as I could throw it.
I've got a DOT 1/2 that I carry in the bags to put on if I go into a state where it is required.
My choice, and thankful that I still have the freedom to make it.
No helmet law in Illinois but I still wear one when I am out on the interstate but outside of that if I am out tooling around I dont wear one(my choice).It s funny because I am very close to St.Louis and when riders come into Illinois they are like no helmet law, off comes the hemet until they get to the next state that requires one.