I started a poll on how many of us wear helmets a week or so ago, and for some reason they closed it saying we have enough about this subject already. Seems this is an intersting topic with lots of interest. Maybe if someone else starts a poll it will be allowed? I really would have liked to know what percent of us uses a lid. :52: Anyway ride safe.
2 bikes and 35K miles ago, as a newbie, I got into a headon situation with a Jeep where I thought I had to 'lay her down', and did. My full face helmet got scratched up pretty good, otherwise it would have been my head that got scuffed. Fortunately, nothing much else got hurt except for my big toe. I've worn steel toed boots every day since.
Recently, this summer actually, I've started NOT wearing a helmet. A little strange at first because I was used to it, but it was so dang hot that I decided to try it. 2 things happened - it sure was cooler and more fun AND I have paid more attention to my riding because I know I don't have a helmet.
So, I have been down and no doubt the helmet provided some protection in what was really a minor fall. Still, I think I am a better and more experienced rider now (I now realize that my lay-down could/should have been avoided). And I know how that sounds, but...
A full face helmet and leathers allow me to enjoy riding in what passes for winter here, but leaving both behind allows me to enjoy riding more in the hot summer.
There may not be much logic to it, but I ride to enjoy it, and as long as the law allows I'll choose if and when I wear a helmet. Actually, I'm more concerned with wearing good gloves, as I think my hands or palms would catch more pavement in a non-lethal fall.
I don't know how all that fits into your poll, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!