There has been a couple comments about riding with more care because of no helmet. Personally, on the rare occasion I wear a lid, I don't ride less careful. Man, helmet or not, it hurts if you go down and besides, I don't want to scratch my scoot so I guess I don't understand that line of reasoning.
pookibr, your thread was one of the last things I read & commented on before bed last night and I'll be danged if I didn't have a dream that I hit a deer on my bike. It was enough to wake me up. I think I will start wearing a helmet to bed. I should start a poll...
Just messing Glinder.
pookibr, your thread was one of the last things I read & commented on before bed last night and I'll be danged if I didn't have a dream that I hit a deer on my bike. It was enough to wake me up. I think I will start wearing a helmet to bed. I should start a poll...