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Five finger Discount!!!

I wouldn't worry too much about it. First of all half the people with those window stickers dont even own a bike so you cant rely on just a sticker. I would say that a majority of crimes are crimes of opportunity, meaning doors unlocked, windows open, keys in the ignition, etc. The best way to protect yourself is to keep everything locked up and secure. Make yourself and your home a hard target and hopefully the crook will go to the sucker down the street that left his door unlocked.

I know for a fact that there are criminals who walk down the street checking car door handles. If your car is unlocked they have easy access. Hopefully if you own an HD it is locked up in a garage. Just something to think about.
Although I do have a few HD stickers on my truck (gifts/freebies)...I agree w/Dswartz b/c I'll see other cage drivers w/stickers & they say "don't own a bike yet" or "they came w/the car."

Don't worry too much about persistent thieves - live across street from Federal Agent who has no jurisdiction + 4-5 LEO's all within a few blocks (seems to be popular subdivision for the law). I think all the PoPo vehicles in our neighborhood pretty much make a great security system. No need for ADT alarm signs in the yard here...:s
I'm with ya Iceman......fortunately my next door neighbor is a CT state trooper and his cruiser's in his driveway alot when he's off duty. You would think that should deter any would be thieves in our neighborhood, but ironically someone broke into the house across the street from ours about a year ago. Kicked the sidelight out of the front door, reached in, unlocked the door and helped themselves. If they wanted something bad enough, I guess they're brazen enough to take anything anywhere.:bigsmiley29:
Never really thought about a vehicle with a Harley sticker being a target. I always marveled at the cars with the giant sticker proclaiming what stereo system they had though! That always seemed like a huge invitation to steal their sound system.
I personally don't put stickers or anything like that on my vehicles, that's just how I am but I do like the saying they have where my cottage is at, "shoot, shovel, and shut up" enough said.
I have heard that especially women that have Harley stickers etc. on vehicle, if broke down tend to get help quicker than a soccer mom in a mini van.
I was just asked the other day with my Harley shirt and hat on if I owned a Harley. So I agree that some that have or wear Harley memorabilia do not even own a Harley....
Would some of you guys kill someone that broke into your garage or trailer....Now self defence....Yes.....Going to jail for murder??? Not for my harley,,,And yes,I do love my bike but not that much..
Mat 60 I am inclined to agree with you with one exception, and that would be in regards to why that person fell multiple times on my baseball bat. I love my Ruby (07 Classic) but not enough to go to prison for.
Never really thought about a vehicle with a Harley sticker being a target. I always marveled at the cars with the giant sticker proclaiming what stereo system they had though! That always seemed like a huge invitation to steal their sound system.

Funny story about this same thing with stereo's. A buddy of mine went to college in New York City. Lived in a pretty high crime area but drove a junker of a car and as a joke / deterent to the number of car stereo thieves in the area he put a note on his back window that said "this car has no stereo". He came out one morning to go to class and every window in the car was smashed out and there was a note for him on the driver seat that said "get one"!!!!!!
:laugh...Yes ....I like your way of thinking.....I have 3 baseball bats....I cut them, drill a big hole in the end and pore led into them...I think that would hurt:)