I wouldn't worry too much about it. First of all half the people with those window stickers dont even own a bike so you cant rely on just a sticker. I would say that a majority of crimes are crimes of opportunity, meaning doors unlocked, windows open, keys in the ignition, etc. The best way to protect yourself is to keep everything locked up and secure. Make yourself and your home a hard target and hopefully the crook will go to the sucker down the street that left his door unlocked.
I know for a fact that there are criminals who walk down the street checking car door handles. If your car is unlocked they have easy access. Hopefully if you own an HD it is locked up in a garage. Just something to think about.
I know for a fact that there are criminals who walk down the street checking car door handles. If your car is unlocked they have easy access. Hopefully if you own an HD it is locked up in a garage. Just something to think about.