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Five finger Discount!!!

If they want it then come and get it, I even have some extras I will throw in with it. Like some HOT LEAD!!!! I worked for mine, so they are gonna have to work for mine too!!!:newsmile055:
In the Texas Concealed Handbook at the bottom of page 48 it states the following.

9.42 Deadly force to protect property. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

9.43 Protection of third person's propoperty.This paragraph goes on to explain that a person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property of a third person.

These are shortened versions of the paragraphs by the way, just getting the point across that you do have the right, in Texas at least, to use deadly force to protect not only yours but another persons property as well.

Porter you make some VERY good points.

Man I love Texas!!!!!!!!
I am not as concerned about loosing the bike from the house as loosing it from the the mall, restaurant or motel. We are pretty carefull where we park or spend the night but when traveling you dont always know, use your locks and security. Keep the insurance paid up because if it goes you won't know who got it or where it went. No HD stickers on my new truck yet.
In the Texas Concealed Handbook at the bottom of page 48 it states the following.

9.42 Deadly force to protect property. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

9.43 Protection of third person's propoperty.This paragraph goes on to explain that a person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property of a third person.

These are shortened versions of the paragraphs by the way, just getting the point across that you do have the right, in Texas at least, to use deadly force to protect not only yours but another persons property as well.

Porter you make some VERY good points.

I was born and rasied in Texas, moved to Indiana. I will say this, there is a lot more theft that goes on up here than down there and its a smaller state, and the reason for that is in texas the majority of people carry some form of protection and people know that the majority will fight for what is theirs in texas. A few years back I came home and there was a guy in my house, he was on his second trip there removing my famalies belongings. I walked in met him face to face and beat him to a pulp, while he was out cold, I grabed the 45 and held him at gun point till the law arrived. I got a ten min talk on what I did was crazy and dangerous, but it took them tweenty min to arrive. I just told them where Im from I would have gotten a "good job boy and a chickin fried steak dinner for doing that". And thats why it says DONT MESS WITH TEXAS:newsmile055:
Not in california. Cant use deadly force unless they are trying to hurt you. If he just comes in for proprty your suppose to call 911. What a joke.